CASPER's STATUS ; ♥ gotto go to sleep ;* [ 5 NOVEMBER 2012 ]

Thursday 13 October 2011

halamak ! exam is around the corner

hello to all my reader ! hee :) i love ur smile you know :p
well , this 20 OCT 2011 ( khamis depan ) ada excel laa . isshh ! anda swa start kaa study ? aq ? blum lae nhe , skitpun x daa , buka buku pun blum . mtcm mana mao dapat keputusan lbih cemerlang nhe , hadduuu . em , mungkin 2day laa last day aq on9 nhe . esok mao start swa buka2x buku , mao study . tpyy'n , ckp sedja tuu ndk mao on9 swa . maka , ada nnty tu kao nmpk FBque b'on lae . haha :DD tpy tpy , i will use my time as well to considerate study , t'utamanya MATHque . e2laa mata pelajaranque yg pling lemah . ndk minat sma e2 pelajaran baa . ergg . by the way , wish me gud luck yaa excel nnty ? arap u pun gud luck exam nnty . amin2x c;
♔ thanks for dropping here ♔ from my heart to my keyboard ♥ hee (Y)

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